pia 교육이미지

PIA & APA Notice

Notice of Pilates in Asia & Asia Pilates Alliance

2016 PIA [1일차 국제 강사 PM 1~4 강의 스케치 / 1st day PM 1~4 Sketch]



첫날 국제 강사 강의는 올해 처음 방문한 퓨지와 키리아, 트로이 사라등의 강의가 진행되었습니다. 

이들은 한국 필라테스 강사들이 처음이지만 사전에 한국의 열정적인 자세에 대한 준비로 다양한 컨텐츠를 심도있게 준비한 것으로 평가 되었습니다. 
수고해주신 모든 강사분들게 진심으로 감사의 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.
The first day of PIA, first workshops were conducted by Fuzy, Kyria and Sara that visited Korea for the first time.
It was first time for them to meet and teach Korean pilates instructors, but they seemed they had prepared for their workshops well for the attentive and passionate Korean participants.
I would like to appreciate for all the presenters.
-Thinking around the Box-Reformer_by ALAN HERDMAN
-Fletcher Pilates Reformer Variations_by KYRIA SABIN
-Foot/Leg/Pelvis -How to Create Functional Movements Throuth Alignment_by KATHY COREY
-Mastering Control on the Mat_by BRETT HOWARD
-Pilates, the Modern Day Pill for Pain_by BRENT ANDERSON
-Move more thought your pelvic floor_by FUZY GABOR

-Working with the NBA_by TROYMcCARTY 








